Hair Breakage and How to Grow it Out - Part 1

Hair breakage! I think every woman has to deal with this problem at some point in her life. Here’s the good news: you can remedy this and build strength back into your strands. 

Let's start with the number one fact that most people don’t know: your hair never stops growing. However, your hair tends to break off at a certain point, whether at your ears, shoulders or anywhere else. 

So, let's get your hair to start growing past that point! 

Care for Your Hair

I’m talking about less coloring! I know, I know. I’m a hairdresser, and I’m telling you to color your hair less. But I’m serious. Choose your color and commit! I think we all look best in the natural color we had as cute little 3 to 4-year-olds. If you were a towhead, a brunette, or a honey blonde, that’s the color you should shoot for!

If you like going dark in the winter and light in the summer, then dark again and then light again, then red all of a sudden ... oh, my friend. That is so traumatic for your hair! (If this is you, kickstart hair repair here.) Not many people can wait through several appointments to go light correctly, which results in damaged hair. 

However, as an alternative, go for a low-maintenance root, especially if you are blonde. This way, you do not need to color every six weeks. For example, I like doing baby lights and smudging my roots. This lets me get away with getting my hair done every 12 weeks instead of 6 weeks.

Lay Off Your Hair

Air dry as often as you can, but still blow dry your roots. Dry in sections against the growth, flipping from side to side. Your goal is to create lift and space so your beautiful hair does not dry flat against your head. We want your root cuticle to have the chance to flair up and blossom. 

However, I’m the first to acknowledge that there is a fine line when it comes to heat styling. Unless you have flowing locks bestowed upon you by the hair gods from above, you probably need some help styling – and that usually comes with some heat. 

I recommend trying out some heatless curlers. They might change your life! I also like to use a curling wand instead of a traditional barrel iron.  With the wand, I can wrap stacked sections instead of laying the entire surface of my hair directly on the heat. As a result, I can cut the proportion of hair-to-heat in half, resulting in strands that are not as heat-stressed on a daily basis.

From my experience, when I only used a wand curler and didn’t style with any other heat elements, the curl lasted longer and looked better over time. My hair even developed some curl memory!

The same thing applies to straighteners. If you use a flat iron, try to keep the direct surface of your hair off the heat surface for extended periods.

Products and Vitamins

Always use detangling spray and a quality brush when brushing your hair, and test out some different creams and serums to put in your hair. You want products that won’t weigh down your strands while still protecting them from the elements.

Products are important!

Caring for your hair from the inside out is also essential in keeping hair breakage at bay. Drink lots of water, and don’t skip your vitamins! Not only are they good for your hair, but they are good for your skin and body! 

I love the Nature Made prenatal vitamins in gel capsules. The gel allows your system to use all those good nutrients fully. You can even add some straight biotin supplements on top if you'd like. No matter what stage of life you are in, these prenatals are good! 

However, taking a regular multivitamin is best if you're already high in iron. Remember, I am neither a doctor nor play one on TV, and I’m just sharing from my own personal experience.

Stay Consistent!

For more info on caring for and protecting your beautiful strands, read my Top Tips to Combat Static Hair.

You can do this. Banish hair breakage forever!




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