Adventure Hikes in Autumn

When the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisp around the edges, there is no better place than the mountains to enjoy adventure hikes in nature! We decided to go on one last night up in the mountains. There is beautiful...and then there is BEAUTIFUL. And that, my friend, is what happens in these Idaho mountains.

Imagine the bright, fiery yellow of the trees set against crystal blue skies, dotted with stunning reds and oranges from the other leafy trees scurrying to catch up and add to Nature's painting. I always take pictures, but they never even come close to showing the incredible views.

We took all the kids and set off into the woods. Scarlett picked up a stick along the way and carried it the *entire* hike. She said it made her stronger, and it absolutely did! Enter a life lesson: your brain is your most powerful muscle!

Lawson assumed the role of Trail Boss and led the way the entire time. He is such an awesome boy, and not just because he did not complain even once. He cheered me on and encouraged all of us when we were struggling. Believe me, there were some struggles on this hike! I kinda forgot to pack snacks and Stocky was not pleased about that!

However, on our adventure through the woods, we got to talk about our family mission statement. This was an amazing exercise and a wonderful opportunity to really dive deep into the values that we want to put out into the world. I encourage you to come up with your own on your adventure hikes this fall! Here are ours:

We Protect

Snooks are Protectors! We see each other or others in need, and we will always come to their aid. We see someone hurting or struggling, we step in to help! Anytime, Anywhere, for Anything!

We Appreciate

Snooks POUR LOVE into others and into each other daily and show gratitude and respect to everyone and everything around us!

We Talk

Snooks TALK about ANYTHING without judgment and LISTEN with undivided attention. We make space to feel and move through emotions in a safe and loving environment.

We Bond

Snooks love to LAUGH together and play together! We overcome hard things together that will create lasting memories forever.

We Overcome

Snooks are STRONG alone but STRONGER together! Snooks are resilient. We encourage and lift one another in our trials. In stillness, we find our hearts and center our mind, body, and spirit. Then, we breathe as we move through challenges.

We Impact

Snooks LEAD with LOVE and KINDNESS! Snooks lead by example and teach compassion by being compassionate! We love and appreciate who we are and where we came from. Our family always strives to be our truest self.

We Believe

Snooks have FAITH in Jesus Christ and in His gospel and His teachings. Snooks believe the atoning sacrifice that Jesus made was for ALL mankind so that we can be saved from our shortcomings and sins. We know we will continuously try and sometimes fail, but we know because He died for us, we will be forgiven and saved by His everlasting love and grace. We know through Him that we can be together forever and live with Him again.

Our faith is our Foundation of it all ... but especially of our Joy and Happiness in this life.

Take your kids on your own adventure hikes (but be better than me and bring food!) Talk about what it means for them to be a part of your family. It will astound and humble you to hear the goodness that comes from their hearts.



Having a hard day? Click here and read about how strongly I believe in YOUR significance.


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