It's Field Trip Season!

This fall has been full of school field trip opportunities. The kids here get the unique opportunity to visit all kinds of cool, historic places in town. I love going on field trips with my kids, and especially with my oldest, Lawson … who still wants me to come! How lucky am I?

On today’s field trip, we walked to our little mountain town’s cemetery. I admire Lawson’s interest and love for learning about this beautiful place and its history.

I have to say, I am also falling deeply in love with it here. My heart is just feeling so many things.

When the field trip was over, I decided to check Lawson out a little bit early, and we went and got a quick snack together. I love just listening to him tell me about anything and everything!

We talked about the new town and how special it is. How we are surrounded by such incredibly beautiful scenery. He expressed that he misses his friends and his cousins but that he loves it here, too. He mentioned that he’s afraid to get too close to friends here because he knows he will have to leave them. I mean…

His heart is so good, so pure. He loves so freely and so deeply. I am so grateful to be his mom and that I get the privilege of raising him!

After that time with Lawson, I doubled down on my efforts in trying to be purposeful and intentional with everything. Whatever is going on right now, right in front of me, I want to be present! I’m trying not to get caught up in the emotion of mourning the past or fearing the future.

It has been so peaceful to be in this mindset recently, and it has opened my eyes to everything around me. I am grateful for everything I have and everyone that I get to love and be loved by.

This life is such a gift!

Then, as we drove home to the cabin, we noticed there was a dusting of snow on the tops of the mountains! The time of wintering is near! That definitely got me in my feels too.

Then, I got to do something that I never dreamt would be so fun! We rented out the theatre for our whole Dips ice cream bars staff, the Hair Co staff, our moms, sisters, girlfriends, and daughters to watch Taylor Swift’s Eras tour!

Oh my, did we dance our hearts out! It was so much fun! Scarlett sat on my shoulders for the majority of the time, and we danced and sang and laughed. It was incredible.

Then, I also got to go on a field trip with Stocky! He didn’t know I was coming, so when he saw me coming around the corner, his whole face lit up! There is no better feeling than seeing that kind of look on your kid’s face.

We had a great time playing in the sand, enjoying the warm sunshine on our backs, and listening to the water. Stocky loves being in the sand – he is such a vibrant boy. What amazing opportunities we have to learn from our kids.

I also wanted to make sure you all know how grateful I am for kind women in the world, and especially the amount of kind women who have taken interest in my life and my family! The women in this community who take the time out of their day (let's be real … we are all so busy!) to write me encouraging things, not even knowing if I will see, to say such kind and reassuring things.

Being the mom of a boy who feels all the big feelings makes me have a lot of big feelings also – so, thank you. Thank you for your grace, for your encouragement, and for your love.

In the meantime, can we just freeze time for a little bit?!



Do you have hair? Check out my post on Hair Training 101 HERE


Adventure Hikes in Autumn


How to Enjoy the Little Moments with Your Kids