YOU are Significant - A Reminder of Your Worth
I’m going to get a little deep with you today. Cause it's important to me to remind you that you are significant.
We went for a hike today, sat by the water, and enjoyed being outdoors. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried—a lot. I was feeling all the feels sitting outside in nature, looking around at God's beautiful creations.
The hike went pretty well, really. Everyone gave their best effort at their own individual levels, which led me to start thinking these deep thoughts.
I feel so connected to Heaven when I’m near water. I know it might sound strange or maybe a little weird, but I always feel my God and Savior nearby. The rain, rivers, the ocean, the lakes … the rhythm of the water feels symbolic to me of the ways that we feel God’s love.
Sometimes, you can sprinkle someone with love. Sometimes, you can submerge them with love! And, sometimes, you can dowse them with love.
I feel all of His love more tangibly whenever I am near water. The water droplet sea glass necklace that I love to wear is a piece I picked out while we were in Hawaii. It was made into a necklace to symbolize water … which equals LOVE!
Basically, if you are feeling insignificant today, less than, or not enough, please know this. The same God that made these beautiful mountains, this rushing water, this whole beautiful world full of flowers and birds also MADE YOU! He does not miss the details, nor does He make mistakes.
You are so special, and let me say it again: YOU are significant! I love you; God loves you, and now it's your turn to start loving you.
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